Trang chủLaosLuang PrabangLuang PrabangNhà hàng

(1 đánh giá) • ₭₭

Luang Prabang Bio Bamboo Restaurant has become the Check-in place of visitors in Luang Prabang. The highlight of this place is the local authentic delicious Luang Prabang food served in Bamboo plates. Everything on the tables is made from bamboo : plates, bowls, straws, so it is environmental friendly. The signature dishes are Or Larm inside the bamboo, buffalo jerky and sticky rice. The other highlight is the atmosphere, near the Nam Khan River. So Bio Bamboo restaurant is highly recommended when you visit Luang Prabang.

Thực đơn được đề xuất: lẩu Lào, rong biển chiên, thịt khô trâu Lào

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