Trang chủLaosLuang NamthaNamthaNhà hàng

(0 đánh giá) • ₭₭

Daen Nampu is the place that is selling Chinese street food like skewers in Luang Namtha. Here, skewers are fried and not grilled like in other provinces. There are many types of skewers to select: 🍢🍢 tofu, mushroom, cabbage, pork skin, and many more. The owner has its own secret delicious sauce to brush on the skewers after frying them 😋. This sauce is unique and delicious. 😋 Only 2,000 Kip per skewer!

Thực đơn được đề xuất: nấm kim châm chiên, da heo chiên, đậu phụ chiên

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