Trang chủLaosXieng KhouangPekNhà hàng

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If you think about original authentic food in Xieng Khouang province, try this place recommended by locals. Dishes are prepared with quality local ingredients from Xieng Khouang which are unique and delicious. There are many dishes such as larb, roasted beef jerky, fried small birds (nok an and nok seed), stir-fried frog and eel, Xieng Khouang sauce (Jaew Bong Xieng Khouang), etc.
Note: the place is always crowded at lunch time 😉 so be there early to get a spot 😉

Thực đơn được đề xuất: gỏi bò, chim chiên (nok ann), jaew bong Xieng Khouang

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