Trang chủLaosLuang PrabangLuang PrabangNhà hàng

(2 đánh giá) • ₭

This Lao coffee place is the signature of Luang Prabang. Everyone visiting this heritage city must come to check in. It has been opened for more than 40 years. The shop is classic, with a heritage atmosphere which is perfect for taking photos. Not only their coffee is popular but their other signature menu, the rice porridge with egg, is worth a try. And now they have noodle soup in the menu as well. So get up early and go have your breakfast here :)
(Be careful: the fried chili oil on the table is super spicy !! Enjoy if you are a chili lover)

Thực đơn được đề xuất: cà phê Lào, cháo trắng, cháo sợi lớn

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